Pacific Gold Oysters are a beautiful, hardy species that thrive in the cold, rich waters of Morro Bay. Their home is a unique bay found on the central coast of California where the strong wind and waves meet the peaceful streams that flow from age old volcanic aquifers.
Here at Morro Bay Oyster Company the Pacific Golds are given the safety to grow in a harsh ocean environment and finally reach its highest potential before being harvested. After 12 – 18 months we begin the harvesting process by hand sorting each and every oyster that will go to our customers. Those that make the grade will be separated by size, bagged, and returned to our holding area. They remain submerged until we are ready to pluck them straight from the water and hand them to you.

Featured Recipes
Seasoned Crème Fraiche
This is a very simple and classic way to brighten up an oyster and a great way to elevate an already incredible flavor. The real key to executing this preparation is temperature. There is an extraordinary range of texture in this bite and it is truly magic when it is cold.
BBQ’d Pacific Gold Oysters
This is an awesome backyard BBQ style way to enjoy our Pacific Gold Oysters. Cooked oysters are delicious, much like a great steak you want to be sure and not over cook them and lose the oyster’s delicious, bright ocean flavor.